Why Every Renter Needs Renters’ Insurance

When a renter signs a lease on a new place, they must also get renters’ insurance. Most landlords today require this insurance. But even when there is no requirement, it’s always wise to have this insurance. It protects renters against many possible risks that could place them in a high level of financial harm. This insurance can also allow renters to keep their standard of living. Call us at Five Star Insurance Agency to get started when you need renters’ insurance in Fords, NJ. 

Item Protection

Having renters’ insurance means having strong protection for all of the items that you own. When there is a significant incident that ruins your belongings, your renters’ insurance can pay for those items so that you can get them replaced. This coverage is highly valuable, but renters’ insurance prices are generally relatively low. With this coverage in place, you can have peace of mind in case of a serious incident that could leave you in financial trouble when you have to replace everything yourself. 

Liability Protection

Another type of coverage you get from these policies is protection against liability. Imagine that someone came into your home and slipped and fell or had an accident. When this happens, that person can be injured in the accident. When that happens, you, as the renter, will likely be liable for all the resulting costs, including the medical bills. You may be sued for medical bills and other expenses if you don’t have insurance. But when you have renters’ insurance, the policy pays for those bills for you. 

Get Renters’ Insurance

If you are renting, you always need to have a renters’ policy in place. When you need this type of insurance in Fords, NJ, you can call us at Five Star Insurance Agency.